Opening Prayer- Rev. Doyle Warren
Guest Randy Brown G3 Solar, Letter from CIL community partner.
Report from 1st District Councilmember- Tayna Fogle. Her report included information on a few meetings she attended. She discussed the Palmer building opening, Boxing center, stop sign placement, and rezoning of a liquor store that is across the street from the new youth center. Hunger Doesn’t Take a Break was successful. Working on obtaining funding for park Directors for the summer.
Report from 2nd District Councilmember- Shayla Lynch. She gave the date for the next District Meeting which is April 23, 2024. Money is available that she must approve before June 30, 2024. Gyanism at Black & Williams should be done by Oct. 2024. Parking, Division, and Inclusion Office started working on that to be funded. Community Paramedicine- minutes accepted as read.
Report from the Police Department- Officer Holland
Reading of minutes from last month
Business Section
Report from Business Manager- Jeff Johnson – Discussed 10 new tables to be purchased.
Report from General/Finance- Enoch Elliot gave the financial update.
Report from Vice President- Tina Warren’s report address the need to update the By-Laws, address the need to have memberships and dues, discussed the non-profit partners and the video from Rebecca Webb regarding being a improvished neighborhood.
Prayer- Mrs. Gill Family- Please continue to pray for all of our bereaved families. Thank you notes.
Eastern Extravaganza, Hunger Doesn’t Take a Spring Break Fun Day (non-profits) Beautification Grant update in Honor or Recognition Brick $65 from $55 last year.
3rd Tuesday, April 16th Food Pantry Time: 12:00 – 2:00 pm
Community Garden Cleaning Beds (Trevor Clayborne non-profit) Saturday, April 13th Time: 10:00 am – 11:00 am.
Planting Date: Saturday, May 11th Time: 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Free pool passes will be provided meeting Thursday May 16th 5:00- 7:00 Curtis Mitchell.
Summer Camp Grant in partnership with Community Inspired Lexington approved June 17th – June 28th and volunteers are needed.
Old Business
Website Developer Amanda Watts-Miller of WM Virtual Innovations 30+ years of experience. Contract pending for 1 year. Website will be built for $500- $1000 with $50 monthly maintenance. $101.80 for bonding the treasurer.
Business manager position- those interested will shadown the current Business Manager- Jeff Johnson.
Non-profit donations: $500 (application and letter to the board)
Sholarship Applications: $500
Hospitality Funds: Address the need for a hospitality committee- funds to be determined.
Questions- Tina Warren- Is Ms. Rebecca putting in a God’s Pantry? no
Motion to adjourn
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