Scholarship Application ABOUT THE SCHOLARSHIPThe purpose of the scholarship is to identify students who live in the St. Martin’s community who qualify for educational assistance and to distribute funds to those students in an effort to assist them in achieving higher educational goals through a college education.ELIGIBILITY CRITERIAMust be a resident of St. Martins Village NeighborhoodMust be a graduating senior enrolled in a high school in Lexington, KYMust have proof of acceptance letter to a college or university for undergraduate study by July 31, 2024Community involvement, extracurricular activities, honors, and awards increase scholarship consideration.REQUIRED MATERIALSOfficial transcripts reporting grades through Spring 2024 must be stamped by the school registrar. The Scholarship Committee reserves the option to request an interview before making a final decision on the candidate’s application. Dress Attire: Business Casual (No Jeans!) Please include a photograph.COMPLETED APPLICATIONS MUST BE POSTMARKED BYJULY 31, 2024, AND SUBMITTED TO:St. Martins Village Neighborhood AssociationScholarship CommitteeC/o Mrs. Bonnie Peeples909 Lima CourtLexington, KY 40511ST. MARTIN’S VILLAGE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATIONSCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONDate of Application*Student Information Name* Date of Birth* Address* Home Phone* Cellphone* Email*Household InformationWith whom is the student living: both parents, single parent, or legal guardianName/Relationship*Total number of family members currently living in the householdList names of family members living in the home, including your name and relationship to the student. (Include yourself) Name Relationship to Student Name Relationship to Student Name Relationship to Student Name Relationship to Student Name Relationship to Student Name Relationship to Student Name Relationship to Student Name Relationship to Student Student EmploymentEmployerAddressPhonePositionSupervisorDuties/ResponsibilitiesDate of EmploymentCommunity Service/Volunteer WorkIndicate the total number of community/volunteer service hours performed during the current school year.Date*Organization*Number of hours*Description of activities*DateOrganizationNumber of hoursDescription of activitiesHONORS AND AWARDSType of honor/awards: GPA*Athletic, Community Service, Employee, etc… Name of Reward* Date Received* Name of Reward Date Received Name of Reward Date Received Academic InformationName of College/University*Address*Major*Career Goal(s)*The information I have provided to the St. Martin’s Village Neighborhood Association Scholarship Committee is to the best of my knowledge true and accurate.Student Signature*Parent/Guardian Signature*Transcript*Acceptance Letter/Verification*Photograph*Submit